Dr. RikkiLynn Shields, PT, DPT, CLT, E-RYT is a licensed physical therapist in the state of New Jersey. She is also an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) with the Yoga Alliance.
As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Shields offers home-care ad virtual services, treating pediatric, orthopedic, lymphedema, and pelvic health-related conditions. She utilizes a combination of a traditional and holistic approach to rehabilitation, with an emphasis on manual therapy, breath work, and exercise. She also offers private yoga lessons at home or virtually.
Dr. Shields created this space to educate and empower individuals. She wishes to use this platform to share her knowledge, experience, tools, and tips to inspire and assist the next generation of physical therapists and connect with and learn from other healthcare professionals.
Read more about Dr. Shields here.